For those who want to serve the movement of the gospel through coaching of leaders, church planters and teams.
The 21st Century is marked by an ever-changing landscape. This fast pace of change demands that leaders be agile in their ability to assess and to adjust to ever changing situations. Coaching uniquely helps today’s leader to navigate personal and church-plant-related challenges.
Coaching provides accountability and a framework for just-in-time learning as individuals, groups and teams. Coaching helps leaders with forward momentum and development of new skills. A coach is in conversation with leaders in regards to their personal, missional, relational and spiritual life in the context of their communities, team, organizations and church plants.
Some good reasons for GospelCoaching
Coaching provides church planters with support, assistance and accountability. A coach helps a planter develop their church-planting competencies, addresses personal life issues, and provides insights into role navigation in the church planting project in the context of an intentional gospel friendship. It is a process of imparting encouragement and skills to the planter in order to succeed in starting a gospel-centered church.
Beautiful phrases?
When you train to be a coach… it will often feel like learning to ride a bicycle in a busy city, or becoming a soccer-player or how to hunt deer.
Theory and books only will go so far.
So how do we train?
We are convinced that one has to know theory, but it’s the application of what you know… that’s the crux of it. And the way you approach people and content, that’s the art and craft of it.
So our training is based on a lot of learning by doing. You will be coached an coach yourself. And you’re given the chance to observe and discuss coaching-sessions.
And what then would you learn?
We aim for for improved listening skills, empathic presence, good questions and summarisations. We work towards a form foundation in the way the Gospel is listened to and is lived out. And as a coach one needs to have a clear self-insight: So you get to learn yourself even more!
Two Hours of Prepartion (video plus pdf)
Three Days of Training (09.30 to 16.30)
Six sessions in small exercise groups (trihorts) with a facilitator / trainer
Online session: Looking back and Next steps
Six sessions where you coach someone else (one on one)
Evaluation and Certification
For the full training you pay 150 Euro’s
Plus the cost of you’re sleeping arrangements and dinners during the three day training
City to City Europe will sponsor most of the hours of trainers and facilitators.
The City Network in Budapest is the sponsor of the venue, the organisation and all.