To View: Welcome and Introduction

Page 1 of 3 in lesson PRE-MODULE I

Skills and Competences

Good coaches need to develop several skills and competencies: connecting with a variety of different people, connecting in different contexts and moments in time, the ability to ask good questions and to not offer advice.

Gospel Coaching

City to City Europe is convinced that the gospel is always part of the coaching process. Therefore, we discuss and train gospel-centered values and processes in the coaching-dialogue.

We are licensed in Europe to use the CROSS-methodology of Tom Woods

The acronym CROSS trains people to use an intentional flow in our coaching conversations

  1. C - Connect

  2. R - Review

  3. O- Objectives

  4. S - Strategies

  5. S - Supplication (prayer)

Our training has been designed around this flow.


We would like coaches to be available to work within a relational context with a church planter for one or two years after the training.
