Gospel Coaching
City to City is convinced that the gospel is always part of the coaching process for Church Planting and Gospel-leadership.
Therefore, we discuss and train gospel-centered values and processes in the coaching dialogue.
We were (before 2023) using a licensed version in Europe with the CROSS methodology of Tom Woods
Our 5 step Metro-Map
Via the Gospel conversation track (the metro stations), we train people to use an intentional flow in all coaching conversations.
Outcomes & Actions or Strategies
Our training has been designed to use a 5 step flow.

Skills and Competences
Good coaches need to develop several skills and competencies: connecting with various people, connecting in different contexts and moments in time, and the ability to ask good questions and not offer advice.
Our training involve lots of (self)Study, Guided discussions and exercises as a group and as breakout groups, real-life practice, and a 360degree evaluation
to qualify as a GospelCoach in the City to City Global Network of Coaches.
The next version (V2) of our training will
- use a flow for conversations per language
- be more contextualized for Europe - acronyms like CROSS (before 2023) are in Europe too strongly associated with Catholicism.
- be based on a VISUAL instead of language-based acronyms