TEXT: A TestDrive for...

Page 2 of 3 in lesson BEFORE THE START

The TestDrive

Out GospelCoach TestDrive Europe is developed for three different groups of people:

    Those that want to decide if Gospelcoaching and this training are useful in their cities, networks, and denominations

  2. As an INCENTIVE
    For those that want to decide on joining the full GOSPELCOACH TRAINING or not.

    Those that want to possibly invest in GOSPELCOACHING for specific Cities, Networks, and Planters or Coaching-Strategy

We hope you will be able to decide during or after the TestDrive if you’d like to be more involved in GospelCoaching and, if yes, in what way.
Do not hesitate to ask questions, and bring in your experiences and points of view. Whatever is helpful for you to fully experience what GospelCoaching is all about!

Kind wishes,
And hope to see you soon!

Peter Wierenga!